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Wheel of the Year

Crafted by author Beth Buchanan to align with the eight High Holidays of the pagan year, these stories are written for your families with young readers and include an array of references across Celtic culture, earth-based traditions, and polytheistic faith practices. 

You can get to know Beth better here:   




Logo for Wheel of The Year series, with images representing each of eight high holidays

A Garland of Flowers: 
A Beltane Story

It's Beltane, marking the season of growth and fertility, and the village is ready to celebrate! The young women have received garlands of flowers from potential suitors, but none as lovely as Rosamund's. Her would-be suitor, however, has chosen to remain anonymous, Seeking the identity of the giver leads to betrayal and danger. Will the man who loves her step up to protect her? 

This modern folk tale combines tradition, druidic lore, and magic to delight readers and gives pagan and polythesitic families a story of their own their high holiday.

Garland Promo Cover.png

The Oak King: A Yule Story

The Holly King has ruled for too long. People are freezing, and the food supplies are running low. The king’s brother, Gwythur, sees the land encased in snow and ice and watches the people struggle in the cold. Feeling the magic of the turning seasons rising in him, Gwythur challenges the king for the throne. If he wins this battle to the death, he can bring back the sun and the promise of spring. If he loses, it will remain winter forever.


This fanciful tale will delight young children and introduce them to a popular legend about the WInter Solstice and the Yule high holiday.

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